Saturday, March 21, 2009

March Melody

"I do think it's not asking too much for you to engage those among you who are visionary and remove from your life whose who offer you depression, despair and disrespect."
Nikki Giovanni

This is the first post of our progress on the rhythm of the TEAMS Institute. We will publish this update every other month for your information.
Completed action items are as follows:

* requested $1.1 million in funding to date in 2009
* continued development of YouthBuild
* attended Child Advocacy Days sponsored by the Tennessee Commission On Children and Youth
* convened meeting about Learn and Serve partners
* met with Senator Lowe Finney
* expanded insurance coverage
* created addition to logo
*distributed request for conference host
* registered with TechSoup Stock
* attended NYLC conference hosted by Volunteer Tennessee
*purchased Giftworks
*reviewed marketing plan from Younger Associates
* forwarded timesheet template to board members