Saturday, December 29, 2012
Your Ultimate Desire
Sometimes it can seem
like everyone is making progress but you. He lost all that weight. Her business
is so profitable that she can quit her day job. They just had a new baby. Does
that little frustrating, pesky voice say to you “I can never pull it together
to move toward my goal like they do!” If you feel this way, try using a daily
framework for living. When we provide ourselves a framework for daily living,
we give creation the space to manifest our ultimate desires. It keeps us
focused, free and out of the way while the Creator works daily miracles in our
lives. ▪ relax – meditate to quiet the mind ▪ play – make time for fun ▪ sleep
– stop and rest awhile ▪ eat – feed the body fresh food ▪ exercise – move that
body ▪ connect – touch or call someone ▪ effort – create and do something
Monday, December 10, 2012
A Better Person
Has someone ever inspired you with
their enthusiasm for life? When you explore your purpose are you energized?
Does a day at the beach on a warm sunny day cause you to relax? This is the
power of the positive, progressive experience. There is a line from a movie
that says “…you make me want to be a better person.” Simply put that is what we
receive when we surround ourselves with positive progressive situations. If you
try some of the items listed below, the direction your life is taking today may
improve tomorrow - touch • smile • listen • celebrate • unclutter • visit • gather
No Matter Your Age
There are so many reasons to exercise.
Exercise keeps the body in good shape which leads to an improved quality of
life in general. Exercise is any kind of physical activity, such as jogging,
going for a walk, cycling around the neighborhood or mowing the lawn. No matter
your age, you should make exercise a part of your day throughout your life.
Exercise does not need to be vigorous, but it has to be regular to achieve some
of the benefits as follows - Reduces anxiety and stress • Improves positive
self-esteem and confidence • Helps alleviate depression • Combats the
likelihood of many degenerative problems • Helps to relieve and prevent
migraine headache attacks • Aids your ability to sleep more restfully • Prevents
some diseases
Remember These Things
There are times in our lives when
people break promises. They may make insensitive statements. And then there are
those irritating behaviors that simply drive us out of our minds. As a result,
we may experience discomfort, disappointment and just down right disgust. Even
in the midst of the pain you may feel surrounding the broken promise,
irritating behavior or insensitive statement, try to remember these things
about the actions of others - confront it, don’t put up with it • believe it’s
not about you • know that there may be more to it • be clear in your directives
• see predictable patterns in people • take it lightly • perceive things as
they are not as you want them to be
Thursday, December 6, 2012
On The Regular
Environmental toxins are
everywhere. Avoiding exposure is almost impossible. The body is challenged
daily to eliminate toxins and waste from the body in order to regulate body
fluid, salts and nutrients. Toxins and waste products are contaminated
air/food/water, excess salts/ions/nutrients and sugar/protein/fat decomposition.
So do something daily to help your body do its job of detoxification - Brush
the skin ▪ Eat raw food ▪ Use
antioxidants ▪ Take a soaking bath ▪ Cleanse the bowels ▪ Wear natural fiber
clothes ▪ Fast on fresh juices
Complement Professional Health Care
Oh the wonders of modern
medicine. Our doctors have the answers to many of today's illnesses. However,
the naturally balanced state of the body is free of disease and capable of
self-repair, self-recovery and self-regeneration. There are many non-drug, non-surgical
methods of preventing and treating illness. Many of these treatments can and
should be used to reduce the risk of disease and complement professional health
care evaluation and treatment - Choose comforting room colors • Take
nutritional supplements • Listen to soothing music • Use medicinal herbs • Place
gemstones on your body • Apply acupressure • Practice deep breathing
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Do Something..Relax
Relaxation is good for
your soul and your sanity. Relieve stress through relaxation techniques and
therapy. Experts have discovered that taking time to relax on a regular basis
reduces your overall levels of tension and distress while helping you maintain a
more positive, healthy outlook on life. There are a variety of proven
relaxation techniques that can be done almost anytime, anywhere, in a matter of
moments. Try some of these techniques to see which ones work best for you - Control
Your Breathing • Focus on a Positive Artifact, Images or Symbols • Repeat
Affirming Words • Listen to Quiet Music • Learn Yoga, Qigong, Tai Chi, Imagery,
Biofeedback or Autogenic Training • Get a Deep Tissue, Swedish, Reflexology,
Shiatsu, or Acupressure Massage • Spend time in a Warm Bath
Calories, Variety and Energy
Plant proteins alone can
provide enough of the essential and non-essential amino acids. Plant foods
contain the same eight amino acids as animal foods do, only in differing
amounts. As long as you are getting enough calories, variety and energy from a healthy
diet, plant foods can give you all the amino acids you need, by themselves or
in combination with one another. Excess protein has been linked with
osteoporosis, kidney disease, calcium stones in the urinary tract, and some
cancers. Add some of these alternative protein sources to your daily menu - Soy
foods: tofu, tempeh, miso, soy milk • Sprouted seeds: flax, sesame, sunflower,
pumpkin • Grains: amaranth, quinoa, rye • Beans/Legumes: chickpeas, green peas,
pinto, white • Sea vegetables - spirulina, chorella • Vegetables: turnip
greens, asparagus, collard greens, spinach, zucchini • Nuts: brazil, walnut
Wonder, Curiosity and Awe
When we look into the eyes of babies and children there is an excitement about being alive. Everything is miraculous. Everyday is monumental. Everyone is magnificent. All is breathtaking, uniquely interesting, and new. It is often the little, simple things we take for granted that they find truly amazing. If life has become mundane, predictable, and mind numbing for you lay aside that skepticism and try one of these adventures we take for granted. 1) plant a garden, 2) listen to children talk, 3) tour your hometown, 4) play with games and toys, 5) attend a cultural festival, 6) sing, dance and draw for others or 7) spend time with animals
Reduce and Remove
At an alarming rate we are losing our adults, youth, children and babies to deadly disease and debilitating disabilities. Early and life long exposure to chemicals in the air, water, food and soil has increased the rate contaminates accumulate in our fat, blood, and organs. These toxins are passed thourgh the body in breast milk, urine, feces, sweat, semen, hair and nails. Consider healthy alternatives to or reduce the use of the following items in your daily life. You just might find yourself feeling a lot better: detergent, paint, cosmetics, upholstery, computers, televisions, fabric treatment.
Monday, November 19, 2012
Obamacare: The Garden of Health and Wellness

After reaping three life-threatening chemical and auto accidents in my lifetime that drained me physically, and financially, I began to remember the garden of health and wellness shared with me by the elders of my family on Wisdom Street. (How cool is that, they do live on Wisdom Street) We did not depend on Obamacare. We very seldom went to the doctor because our elders practiced their own health care and self care using gifts from the heart, garden and home.
This natural health tradition healed me and moved me to pursue health and wellness education. I made a commitment to share “motherwit” common sense tips that you can use at home to grow your own garden of health and wellness. I wish for you a luscious harvest of lower healthcare costs, beauty, vitality, stamina and joy.
GARDEN TIP NUMBER ONE. Check the “soil” of your lifestyle and body. Do you enrich your soil with the three amendments of Refuel-Recreate-Rest? Refuel (eating fresh picked fruit and veggies), Recreate (party, fun, walking, stretching, exercise 3 times each week) and sleep (8 hours or more each night). This trinity is the “soil” that allows you to plant seeds that will reap the benefits of health and wellness. Take Care.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
The Benefits of Being a Lazy Lima Bean
Scientists believe the average adult needs 7 to 9
hours of sleep, while babies, children and teenagers need up to 10-18 hours.
Sleep occurs in three stages during the night from light, deep to rapid eye
movement (REM) sleep. An average complete sleep cycle takes 90 to 110 minutes.
Peaceful sleep brings you these affects and many more. Helps our bodies fight infection • Maintains
optimal emotional and social functioning • Combats the effects of stress and UV
rays • Increases energy and productivity • Strengthens the immune system • Reduces
the risk of coronary heart disease • Aids in weight control
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Friday, November 9, 2012
Welcome Our Collaborators

We are excited about the addition of collaborators Grupo Balanca Capoeira. Check out their website and visit classes at
Monday, October 8, 2012
Watch TEAMS grow !!!
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