“Doing” and “Being” are two
pillars of personal and professional success.
Action and practice propels us towards our goals. The foundational text of Yoga prescribes
adherence to eight "limbs" or steps to quiet one's mind and achieve
solitude. In the Yoga Sutras, the last
three limbs represent the results of the application of the first five limbs. Although
our life’s work is often a collaborative effort, there are times when it
requires singular focus and drive.
The Eight Limbs
Yama - Universal morality
Niyama - Personal codes and observances
Asanas - Body postures and physical movement
Pranayama - Breathing exercises and control of prana
Pratyahara - Control/withdrawal of the senses
Dharana - Concentration and cultivating inner perceptual
awareness and focused attention
Dhyana - Devotion, Meditation
Samadhi - Absorption, enlightenment and union with the divine