The following actions have taken place since the last board meeting.
a. Continued marketing of program, products and services
b. Continued conference planning
c. Sent finance documents to treasurer
d. Processed invoices
e. Compiled and distributed teleconference minutes
f. Provided updates via phone and email to board members
g. Attend First Aid/CPR class certificate
h. Compile volunteer hours
i. Attach correspondence with regular school day teachers and student homework journal to checklist
j. Implement Monday huddle
k. Add pledge to student schedule
l. Locate culinary certification, algebra and geometry tutors
m. Conduct intake surveys with students
n. Discuss and design Teen Programming with high school group
o. Letters to families to update student files
p. Continued outreach and recruitment of students and volunteers
q. Mailed letters to HR department and guidance counselors
r. Expanded local advisory group
s. Print tutor training documents
t. Order college t-shirts and flags for classrooms
u. Attend CACFP training
v. Research driving school requirements at McKenzie High School
w. Served 75 scholar clients
x. Conducted site visit and teleconference with DOE officials
y. Began submittal of a grant